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Genuinely took a bit of time to even review because of how charmed I was by this game. Originally played during an insomnia night and had a giggle over the setting. But in such a short period of time I adored the world and imagery (and even the lad, the legend, Alioth himself). Absolutely on the insomnia replay list, thank you all for making such a darling game!!! <3

I find it very fun that you played sleeping under spells during an insomnia episode ! Thank you for the nice comment, glad you enjoyed the game !


im so inlove with this game... pls never delete it!!

never planed to cqjdcqc Glad you liked it !


Gracias a ti por el esfuerzo que haces!!!!!


This game is so adorable I'm obsessed! I love the art style and writing so much!!! I usually don't really like voice acting because it can be very hit or miss for me and I'm picky, but Alioth's voice actor did a great job and matches the character very well! I've played through once and I'm very excited to play more!

Thank you so much for the sweet comment ! I'm glad you enjoyed the game and I agree, the voice actor did a phenomenal job !!! So kudos to him !!! >:D


impeccable. the VA did a FANTASTIC job (i usually turn off the voices when i play eng dubbed VNs), the music was great, i loved the endings and both of the protagonists' personalities.

the intro and the transition between endings was also refreshing and so personal, without feeling too intrusive.

5/5. this was great!


Love that well agree that the Va did an amazing job ehe ! I'm glad you liked the game ! Hope you'll have a good day.

Ya había jugado un juego tuyo con el que me encariñe, no pensé que me volvería a pasar lo mismo, me a encantado esta experiencia, muchas gracias por darnos una experiencia linda..

la  verdad, te confieso, yo no se nada de ingles, entiendo un poco pero siempre tus juegos son los mas faciles de entender

Usando un traductor para escribir esta respuesta, pero primero me sorprende que te hayas tomado el tiempo de jugar a pesar de que el inglés es difícil de leer. ¡Me alegra que hayas disfrutado el juego y agradezco el lindo comentario! Espero que tengas un buen día :} !!!


AAAAAAAAA I love this im so glad i found this ive been in the mood for magical fantasy vns he's so charming and his voice actor is great <33333333


Playing this has revealed to me that I just need to complete your backlog of work because my GOD your work is so charming??? I love it 💛

aaaaaaaaah that so sweet !!!!!! Thank you !!! Hope you'll like the other games !!

Very cute, much love. I don't tend to find many VNs with witchy content just casually rather than involving it in a larger fantasy setting so this was nice. The character+dialogue writing also had me giggling and kicking my legs(the true sign of well written romance!)

glad you enjoyed !!!! And yeah we love some cozy magic, very comforting tropes.

SO SO SO CUTE!! loved the cozy witchy vibe and Alioth's pretty design sm

Thank you !!!!! Very happy that you had fun !!!

OMG!! this was such a delight to play! ^^ i had to smile and laugh so much while playing! i absolutely adore alioth <3

ehehehehe glad you had a good time <3

this was so cute stop T^T in love with alioth's design & the voice acting was really charming and made smile LOTS <3

The va is very talented !!! Truly a gem. Glad you enjoyed the game !!!

I would like to say that I loved the game!!! The story and drawing are extremely cute!!! Unfortunately I'm not able to get ending three, could you give me some light on that?

Hi !!! Glad you enjoyed the game but it’s weird you didn’t get ending 3 as it gets unlocked when you finish one of the other two endings. You just need to start after one of the ending and it will propose it. Please tell me if the bug continues.


omg I need more Alioth!!! The vibes here were immaculate!! Cozy, yet witchy and whimsical!

Glad you liked it !!! And I'm glad the urban fantasy vibe worked ehe

I loved this!! I loved the 3rd ending and the 1st one. I really like your artstyle is really cute!! :DD

thank you !!! Third ending is all cutsy, Thank you for playing the game !!!

i can’t wait to play!! i loved your other vns

aaaaah nice to hear !!! Hope you liked it !

Alright, this was utterly adorable.

Firstly, I love the VA you chose for Alioth, he did such an splendid job at delivering every single line!! 

Secondly— what a charming little game. Your characters steal my heart every single time, I truly don't know how you manage it...

So happy to have played yet another dreamty banger!

So happy to see you again on my comments friends ! And glad you liked this one too !!!