holidays update

With 2025 approaching, it's time for a little update on our (potentially) murderous gals!

The development of Apple Bag has been slow, with many changes along the way, but progress has been made. Here’s what you can expect in the next demo update:

New GUI 

The GUI design of the game is being reworked to better fit the aesthetic, replacing the default Ren'Py interface.

Additional Content and Demo Rewriting

The original demo, covering the prologue to Day 1, has been updated with improved writing to better introduce the characters.

 Additionally, content from Day 2 to Day 4 will be included in the next demo. Starting on Day 2, events will diverge based on routes, and Day 4 will feature two different playable events. Upon release, there will be 15 days worth of content to play ( the lenght is still currently unsure )


The next update will include six brand-new CGs, with two for each love interest.

New sprites

All characters have been redrawn to match the current art style. This sprite update will also feature multiple outfit changes for recurring characters.

That all for the official update content I can provide.

The development might be slow but Apple bag is not an abandoned project and maybe you'll see more of it sooner than anticipated :)

I have attached some illustration posted on tumblr if you're not following me from there. I'll be making a tumblr account dedicated to game updates for easier searchs but in the mean time I hope this can serve as holiday gifts. 

Thank you for your patience and hopefully see you soon !

Get Apple bag


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You go dreamty!! Can't wait to see the update :'3 good things are worth the wait